Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Fruit of the Spirit

Last week I came across a website that - to be honest - was quite surprising. It was a religious ministry dedicated to mocking my Mormon faith (in the spirit of education), providing misguided "facts" and half-truths to the Christian community that, in my opinion, dumb down the core tenets of my faith. Through "research" that promotes their motives, their intent and purpose is to tear down the faith of my church family and "educate" the Christian churches throughout the world as to why the truths of Mormonism are false.

This Christian ministry has Mormon scholars (in topic, not belief) who dig up information used to inform our faithful, pointing out so-called holes in our history and doctrine. They have missions to Utah where one can "strengthen their faith" by actually talking to one of us Mormons (I presume these missions coincide with our bi-annual general conference and we can talk to them in front of the conference center. They're the ones holding up the signs about Joseph Smith). They take our religious Sunday lessons and everything we produce and pick them apart finding ways to show the world that we aren't Christian and how ridiculous our beliefs are. From what I can tell its all funded from donations of others who believe in the cause of tearing down my church too ---- seriously, the world can use a lot more effort doing constructive and edifying things than this. I really wonder why they don't spend their efforts teaching others who don't believe in God, about the good word of Christ, or finding ways to work together for the common good of man. They promote hate and anger - at least in me and in those who "spread the word" for them. These aren't the fruits of Christlike discipleship.

Coming across this site and others like it and seeing the fruits of their efforts in myself and in others, I wanted to do something about it. First, to let people of my faith know, what we have always known - that their is a collective and collaborative effort to misinform, mock, and scare our Mormon community. This should come as no surprise!

Look at comment boards or Facebook posts and you will see many similarities in every thread. They post "bait" about the Mormon faith and wait for a believer to defend their faith, finally finding a place where they can share their anti-Mormon findings.  They are "experts" at what we believe. They will use "first hand" experiences that share how the Mormon Church has bullied them into believing its history, how they have been tricked and hurt. Each is similar . . . they'll make mention of cultural things that will help believing Mormons understand that they were "for real," baiting us to feel sorry for them or be embarrassed that our church would react to their sincere questions in such a  demeaning way. While some may be genuine I've read some of these "testimonies" of people I have known personally and there is much left out. While their stories sound sad their is much unsaid that would paint an entirely different picture of their question or situation. They'll also tell us what we believe, the truth being skewed just enough that we have to make sure what they said is false. Before we have time to comment they're proving their own fact with statements our prophets have made that are out of context or imply one thing but yet is still only half true or leaves out the rest of our story or some of our history.

I avoid conflict and generally don't get involved in much of these discussions that use us to fulfill their anti-Mormon agenda. However, this last time I was ready to fight (which gave this Christian community a win for the day). In fact, they probably won for a week or two as everytime I'm confronted with one of these comment boards that same spirit enters my heart. I didn't realize how much it was stirring my soul in negative ways. I recognized the other day that this isn't a spirit of peace and God. As long as these feelings exist the spirit of God cannot dwell in those that are faced with the deceit or those that spread it. So, I digress. I'm going to begin again.

Used to this behavior that's as old as our religion, Mormons try to turn the other cheek. We try to make our actions speak louder than the words that are tearing us down. With the advent of social media it's hard to avoid the conversations and the negativity that exists though and sometimes I cringe as I read well-meaning members of my faith react to these comments. I'm not sure my comments would be much better though.

Galations 5:22-26 says: "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. . . If we live in the spirit, let us therefore walk in the spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another."

So the second thing I wanted to do is explain my views of the doctrine we believe and share some of the things that are most dear to my soul. This blog will be dedicated to that - an explanation of what I believe and why I believe it. I do feel the "pointing fingers" at times for being religious and even more so for being a Mormon. I would be lying if there wasn't motivation for this blog to show that a religious person could be thoughtful in her beliefs and not just a "blind follower". A friend texted me this quote tonight which makes me sure my efforts will be fruitless: "don't waste your time trying to change the mind of someone determined to misunderstand you", but if this blog is for anyone it's for me - a way to learn and share through writing while offering something for my children as well. While I don't expect people to believe in the things I do, I do expect mutual respect from others. If we can all live with more respect of other's beliefs I am sure the world would be a better place. Definitely more good would be accomplished.  We can work together, building each other up, strengthening each other in the common aspects of our faith and in our humanity.

There is nothing official about this blog. I am only an expert on my faith through what I have pondered and come to understand throughout my lifetime. While I have grown up a Mormon, my belief isn't based on my family's tradition or habit. Of course my upbringing has influenced my views but I try to gain my own understanding and try to ponder the why of each principle and doctrine we discuss. There is more about God that I don't know than what I do know. Our Mormon and collective Christian history has holes that seem too big to jump at times but I am resolute that they will be filled in eventually because the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes sense to me, and the Church that teaches it does too. It empowers me and gives me direction and light. It motivates me to be a better person and warms my soul in real ways. It's happiness and love. It's goodness and gentleness. It's joy and peace. It's the fruit of the spirit.

PS I am not allowing comments on this board. While I love discussion comment boards seem to squash that. If you would like clarification or have questions please email me at and I'll respond with a post or a reply.